Facts About Cacao Flavanols You Should Know and Its Health Benefits

Research has proved that Cocoa Flavanols have many health benefits. It becomes necessary to understand what are cocoa flavanols, and what chemical composition makes Cocoa Flavanols healthy. This article will help you understand what flavanols are.

In this article :      

  • Where are Flavanols found the most?
  • Is Chocolate Healthy?
  • What does Raw Cacao contain?
  • Should you consume Raw Cacao Powder daily?
  • What kind of Cocoa should you buy for maximum flavanol consumption?
  • Benefits of Cocoa Flavanols on Skin.
  • Which food has the most amount of antioxidants?
  • Health Benefits of Cocoa Flavanols.


     Cocoa Flavanols

    Where are Flavanols found the most?

    Flavanols are abundant in cocoa beans, which yield cacao and cocoa powder, which is then used to make chocolate. Flavanols are the main type of flavonoid found in raw cocoa.


    Is Chocolate Healthy?

    We Love Dr. Mercola as he is so detailed and knowledgeable. 

    It’s the flavanol-rich cocoa beans that “are potentially health-promoting” — not chocolate. So if you want the best for your health, opt for raw organic cacao powder, which is packed with cocoa flavanols.


    What does Raw Cacao contain?

    Raw cacao is loaded with organic compounds that are biologically active and function as antioxidants. These include polyphenols, flavanols, and catechins, among others. 


    Organic raw cacao is healthy and contains zero caffeine.


    Should you consume Raw Cacao Powder daily?

    Yes. Quite a few studies have confirmed the potent antioxidant properties and subsequent health benefits of raw cocoa powder. It is important to know that raw unprocessed cacao is loaded with beneficial polyphenols, So if you want the heart-healthy benefits of raw cocoa you will have to use the bitter, unsweetened raw organic cocoa powder (cacao). Consuming it can improve several important risk factors for heart disease and boost your overall heart health.


    What kind of Cocoa should you buy for maximum flavanol consumption?

    Fresh cacao beans are rich in cocoa flavanols, the nutrient can get destroyed during processing. The more the cacao is processed, the more cocoa flavanols are lost. So raw unsweetened cacao powder (cacao, that is minimally processed and below 118 degrees F), has the most powdered cocoa flavanols in it.


    Benefits of Cocoa Flavanols on Skin

    Cocoa flavanols can protect against sun damage, improve blood flow to the skin and increase skin density, skin elasticity, and hydration.


    Which food has the most amount of antioxidants?

    Cacao has a wide variety of powerful antioxidants. In fact, they have way more than most other foods. Studies show that cacao had more antioxidant activity, polyphenols, and flavanols than any other fruit tested, which included blueberries and acai berries. Raw Organic Cacao has over 40 times the antioxidants of blueberries. Yes, 40 times!


    Health Benefits of Cocoa Flavanols.

    1. Cocoa flavanols can provide powerful health benefits, being especially protective against heart disease.
    2. The bioactive compounds in cacao may improve blood flow in the arteries and cause a small but statistically significant decrease in blood pressure and improve vascular function.
    3. Improves blood flow to the brain and heart, and making blood platelets less sticky and able to clot.
    4. Flavanols in cocoa beans have antioxidant effects that reduce cell damage implicated in heart disease.
    5. Powdered cocoa flavanols may also significantly improve cognitive function in elderly people with mental impairment.
    6. Flavanols in cacao help to lower the risk of depression. It relieves feelings of anxiety and irritability.
    7. Flavanol cocoa is associated with improvements in mood and cognition. It relieves negative moods effectively.

    You can BUY this product directly here on our WEBSITE or buy it from our Amazon.com USA Store HERE.


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