
When you purchase from, you support a variety of good causes!

A few of our previous contribution projects have consisted of: an organization in San Francisco that I have been a HUGE fan of for years and I love what they do for the local community... helping both the poor and the abused as well as the GLBT community.  They are a Source of Strength and courage and I used to frequent there all the time when I lived in SF for over 30 years. 

The Breast Cancer Fund, whose mission is to prevent cancer by getting rid of the ecological causes.

The California Autism Foundation Structure whose objective is to supply complete life services to all individuals with autism and other developmental impairments.

The AIDS Walk San Francisco Foundation which was the largest AIDS event in Northern California that offer ongoing HIV/AIDS programs and services throughout the Bay Area.

Our current donation campaign:

We have partnered with companies that support dog rescues and poor people in Mumbai, India, where we are closely tied to the OLP Church that helps a lot of the needy and poor people there. Please call us if you have an organization you 'd like to help!