Health Benefits

Raw Organic Cacao is an amazingly healthy way to stock up on antioxidants and important minerals like magnesium and iron. Studies show that dark unprocessed raw cacao actually helps reduce the risk of cardio metabolic disorders such as heart disease, diabetes, stroke etc. It reduces the clumping of platelets, which cause blood to clot.
Raw cacao also has the potential to prevent cardiovascular disease in diabetics. Epicatechin, a flavonoid found in cacao also helps protect the brain after a stroke. Its not only your heart that may benefit from raw cacao, research has linked the consumption of cacao to over 40 health benefits.
Cacao is packed with antioxidants and the antioxidant polyphenols in cacao are extremely valuable. Antioxidants fight free radicals and they help decrease your risk of various diseases. Cacao also contains the bliss chemical called Anandamide, that temporarily blocks the feelings of anxiety and stress.
Anandamide causes feelings of relaxation and satisfaction. Cacao also contains essential nutrients such as protein, calcium, carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, magnesium and sulphur.
Some of the other health benefits are:
- Improves endurance
- Reduces stress
- Acts as an anti-inflammatory
- Lowers blood pressure
- Anti-obesity
- Anti-diabetic
- Improves cholesterol
All these great benefits come from a daily mug of hot cocoa or by eating raw cacao nibs. Its no wonder that cacao was referred to as the ‘Food of the Gods.’
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The Cacao Powder Benefits
Cacao Powder are extraordinarily nutritious!
Cacao is the Best Natural Food Source of the Following Nutrients:
Magnesium: Cacao seems to be the #1 source of magnesium of any food. Magnesium is one of the great alkaline Raw Cacao makes delicious hot cacaominerals. It helps to support the heart, brain, and digestive system (it fights constipation).
Magnesium is also important for building strong bones. Magnesium balances brain chemistry, builds strong bones, and is associated with more happiness.
Magnesium is the most deficient major mineral on the Standard American Diet (SAD); over 80% of Americans are chronically deficient in Magnesium! Cacao has enough magnesium to help reverse deficiencies of this mineral.
Iron: Cacao contains 314% of the U.S. RDA of iron per 1 ounce (28 gram) serving. Iron is a critical mineral in nutrition. Iron is part of the oxygen carrying protein called hemoglobin that keeps our blood healthy.
Chromium: Chromium is an important trace mineral that helps balance blood sugar. Nearly 80% of Americans are deficient in this trace mineral. Cacao has enough chromium to help reverse deficiencies in this mineral.
Anandamide: Anandamide (The Bliss Chemical) is an endorphin that the human body naturally produces after exercise. Anandamide has only been found in one plant Cacao. Anandamide is known as “The Bliss Chemical” because it is released while we are feeling great.
Cacao contains enzyme inhibitors that decrease our bodies’ ability to breakdown anandamide. This means that, when we eat cacao, natural anandamide and/or cacao anandamide may stick around longer, making us feel good longer.
Antioxidants: Cacao contains the highest concentration of antioxidants of any food in the world. These antioxidants include polyphenols, catechins, and epicatechins. By weight, Cacao has more antioxidants than red wine, blueberries, acai, pomegranates, and goji berries COMBINED.
Cacao Also Contains the Following Important Unique Nutrients:
Manganese: Manganese is an essential trace mineral. Manganese helps assist iron in the oxygenation of the blood and formation of hemoglobin. Interestingly, manganese is also concentrated in tears.
Zinc: Zinc is an essential trace mineral. Zinc plays a critical role in the immune system, liver, pancreas, and skin. Additionally, zinc is involved in thousands of enzymatic reactions throughout the human body.
Copper: Copper is an essential trace mineral. Copper is found naturally in plants with vitamin C. In the human body, copper helps to build healthy blood.
Vitamin C: Cacao must be raw to contain vitamin C. All cooked and processed chocolate has no vitamin C. A one-ounce (28 gram) serving of Cacao Nibs supplies 21% of the U.S. RDA of Vitamin C.
Omega 6 Fatty Acids: Cacao contains essential omega 6 fatty acids. All cooked and processed chocolate contains rancid omega 6 fatty acids (trans-fat) that can cause an inflammatory reaction when one eats cooked chocolate.
Phenethylamine (PEA): Phenylethylamine (PEA) is found in abundance in cacao. Because PEA is heat sensitive, much of the PEA in conventional cooked and processed chocolate is missing. PEA is the chemical that we produce in our bodies when we fall in love. This is likely one of the main reasons why love and chocolate have such a deep connection. PEA also plays a role in increasing focus and alertness.
Tryptophan: Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that is transformed into important stress-protective neurotransmitters including serotonin and melatonin. Tryptophan is heat sensitive and therefore it is cooked out in many high protein foods and in conventional processed chocolate.
Serotonin: Serotonin is the primary neurotransmitter in the human body. Serotonin is similar in its chemistry to tryptophan and melatonin. Serotonin helps us build up our stress defense.